Choose to face the future with confidence
Often clients are focused on having their estate plan in place instead of focusing on who they name in those documents. A critical aspect of any estate plan is the individuals who serve as power of attorney that will handle a client’s affairs while they are still alive but unable to manage their own affairs.
When thoughtfully prepared, an estate plan — with the right advocate named — not only gives peace of mind about what will happen after death but also peace of mind about what will occur during the often complex times before end of life.
Now your clients can name a reputable professional advocate in their estate planning documents.
Scout Advocacy stands ready to assist you in helping your clients —
Plan for the future.
Jane Malkoff, MSN, RN, NP
She earned her bachelor’s degree in nursing in 1988 from Ball State University, her master’s degree in adult health in 1994 from Indiana University, and obtained her nurse practitioner license in 1994. passion to improve the lives of elders has driven Jane’s life and her work.
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Jane is on the board of the Central Indiana Senior Fund, a fund of the Central Indiana Community Foundation and is a community educator in dementia and Parkinson’s disease care.
Jane and her husband, Jeff, have two children, Joel and Victor, and live in Noblesville.
Here’s how we help.
As a member of your client’s team, we can support them in a variety of ways:
Power of Attorney & Health Care Representative
If your client doesn’t have someone they can secure in their personal life, they can name us as their POA or health care representative to step in when the need arises.
Individuals needing to secure professional guardianship for a loved one’s personal or financial needs can call on us to manage or assist with decisions and plans.
We can offer your client or their loved one professional help navigating health care as well as practical, day-to-day needs. This service is managed by registered nurses.
As much as you care for your clients, you can’t do it all — we’re honored to help.
Peace of mind is priceless.
Reach out.
Whether you have a specific client in mind or simply want more information about the services we offer, we’d love to connect. We’ll discuss any questions or concerns, and Jane will help with specific client inquiries.
Make a referral.
When you have a client who needs someone trustworthy to count on for their future, introduce them to our services. We’ll discuss a plan for honoring their wishes and ensuring their quality of life.
Make the future brighter.
When we pair your distinct services with ours, elderly clients get the support they need and the dignity they deserve. Together, we can offer all clients a secure and desirable future.
Let’s chat about what’s possible.
You might still be wondering…
What exactly do you do?
We have several different categories of services. Clients can list us in legal documents as their power of attorney and/or health representative. This might mean we make sure long-term trust funds or estate plans (that their personal attorney created) are handled according to their wishes. Or, it might mean we offer fiduciary support, including protecting assets, making health care decisions on their behalf, defending their right to receive care that reflects their values, and beyond.
Our professional guardianship services are similar, but are sought out by those who need our help with a loved one.
Health advocacy and consulting services may be sought out by the individual or those looking for help for a loved one. These services are managed by registered nurses and can include: weekly check-ins, monitoring of well-being, doctor appointment accompaniment, medication pick-up and sorting, decoding of medical records, referrals of quality services, etc.
Why have I never heard of these services before?
Interestingly, there isn’t anyone else offering this type of service! We simply witnessed too many elderly folks who, without able family members to care for them, faced lonely futures and had their dignity and desires completely overlooked. We’re seeking to fill that void directly through advocacy, an approach that’s not being done anywhere else.
How will a referral to Scout Advocacy affect my relationship with my client?
Why should my client trust you?
We get it. Trusting someone else with the most important and personal parts of life is incredibly hard. Establishing a good connection with the client is vital. We want to meet and get to know them, and we want them to understand our purpose, our experience, and, most of all, our heart. We’re also happy to connect them with other clients of ours so they can get firsthand reviews of our service.
Request materials to display in your office.
A partnership with us means you can confidently offer hope to those worrying about the future. Hand them a brochure for a trusted solution, and watch the relief begin to settle in.
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